iOM is a global ocean-cryosphere model with all components of the polar cryosphere – ice sheets, sea ice and icebergs – coupled to the ocean.

 iOM schematic

MOM6, is the ocean component. Among its many unique features, MOM6 has an ability to represent the vertical ocean structure in any kind of vertical coordinates, such as geopotential, isopycnal, terrain-following, or any other (Adcroft et al.,2019). Such capabilities allow it to accurately represent circulation in sub-ice-shelf cavities and their evolution, including due to the migration of the grounding lines.

MOM6-IS is the ice-sheet component. MOM6-IS is built as a component of MOM6. Both models use the same horizontal grid. This allows to accurately simulate ice-sheet ocean interactions and evolution of marine ice sheets. MOM6-IS can run coupled to MOM6 as well as stand alone.

SIS2 is the sea-ice component. SIS2 simulates sea ice as an elastic-viscous-plastic material. It simulates evolution of sea-ice thickness, temperature, salinity and enthalpy due to energy, mass and salt exchanges with the ocean and atmosphere Adcroft et al. (2019).

KID is the iceberg component. KID simulates icebergs as Lagrangian particles that move, melt and erode (Stearn et al., 2016). The large icebergs are represented as a collection of Lagrangian particles connected by numerical bonds (Stern et al., 2017).

All model components are available under an open-development software framework. Its details can be found on MOM6 wiki.